Monday, March 23, 2009

Defending Land is Defending Life

"Land is Life"... this basic concept of our brother Lumads in the country, of which they continue to hold is very contradictory to the perception of the government.

While the indigenous people together with the farmers struggle for "genuine land reform", the government on the other hand continue to sell our country to the Transnational Companies by following the way of neo-liberalization a system of which in simple definition and emphasis giving opportunities to the foreign companies to own, use, abuse our resources or a smooth way of killing the Filipino people.

Using the bureaucrat capitalist the arroyo government ensures that the policy of neo-liberalization would be realize, and that they believe this is the solution of the long history of filipino's struggle for land reform or even it would justify country's development. The concrete example of this is the creation of IPRA or Indigenous People's Rights Act which give way to the NCIP or the National Commission for Indigenous People to abuse the rights of our brother lumads...

To be continued